Conveyor belts

Polymax®PU and PVC conveyorbelts

Polymax® conveyor belts

We offer a complete range of tailor-made conveyor belts of the Polymax® quality brand.

We have more than 50 belt types in stock as well as many different profiles and cleats. Which means shorter delivery times for our customers.

Below you can find datas sheets on the common belt types. Other types of belts can be supplied on request. Polymax® conveyor belts are carefully manufactured according to our technical specifications in an ISO certified process and meet all the specifications set for e.g. tensile strength, flexibility, lateral stability, noise level and any relevant approvals for use in the food industry.

We continuously develop products that correspond to the demands of the market.

Download our catalogue herewith details about cleats and profiles.
Contact us on +45 8020 8020 to help choose the product that best suits your requirements.

Click here for Data sheets

Volta® conveyor belts

Volta® conveyor belts

We distribute quality belts from Volta Belting, a world leader in the development and manufacture of homogeneous belts in thermoplastic elastomers (TPE).

Contact us so we can help you choose the product that best suits your requirements.

Download our catalogue here
Contact us on +45 8020 8020 so we can help you choose the product that best suits your requirements.

Food-grade conveyor belts
We stock a large selection of food-grade conveyor belts and systems.

See our selection of food-grade Volta and Polymax belts here

Download our catalogue here
Contact us on +45 8020 8020 so we can help you choose the product that best suits your requirements.

Click here for Data sheets

Food-approved conveyor belts

Food-approved conveyor belts

We stock a large selection of food-approved conveyor belts and systems.

See our selection of food-approved Volta and Polymax belts here

Contact us on Tel. +45 8020 8020 to choose the product that best suits your needs.

Maxply®Rubber conveyor belts

Maxply® standard rubber conveyorbelts

Edge-covered tape program based on cores of fully synthetic EP cloths (polyester/polyamide), which gives…

    • Small extension at maximum workload
    • Good impact resistance
    • Insensitivity to moisture and microorganisms

Top layer thickness and quality are calibrated according to core strength and provide economic belts for the most common applications.

Top layer

Type B
Very wear-resistant top layer suitable for the transport of sharp-edged abrasive materials. Type B top layers have a large general area of application. Meets DIN 22102 type Y.

Type BW
Particularly wear-resistant cover layer that meets the highest standardized requirements for wear resistance. Meets DIN 22102 type W.

Click here for brochures and data sheets

or contact us to help choose the product best suited to your requirements.

Maxoil®oil resistant conveyor belts

Maxoil® grease and oil resistant rubber conveyor belts

A conveyor belt for all slightly oily materials: grain, feed, daily waste and other materials with limited oil and fat content.

The EP core ensures good resistance to impacts.

  • Top layers which is oil and grease resistant to slightly oily materials
  • Antistatic, great directional stability and suitable for trough belts
  • Insensitivity to moisture and microorganisms


Maxheat®heat resistant conveyor belts

Maxheat® heat resistant rubber conveyor belt

For transporting hot abrasive materials with a maximum material temperature of 180°. For example, blast furnace tiles, coke, ore, slag, foundry sand etc. A conveyor belt that can briefly withstand temperatures up to 210 ºC. The EP core ensures good resistance to impacts. Under certain conditions, materials with a higher initial temperature can be transported if they are sprinkled with water during filling.

  • Material temperature at 180º C
  • Peak load at 210 ºC
  • Insensitivity to moisture and microorganisms
  • Good resistance to impact

Click here for brochures and data sheets

or contact us to help choose the product best suited to your requirements.

Heko Conveyor Chains

Conveyor Chains for the Bulk Handling Industry

HEKO is one of the world’s leading producers of chains and other wear resistant parts for the bulk handling industry.

HEKO chain transport
• Highly wear resistant round link chains
• Bushed conveyor chains
• Forged link conveyor chains
• Heat resistant kiln chains
• Accessories for all chains

High tech heat treatment
Hardening technique is the key technology in the manufacture of high quality conveyor chains, and this has been given high priority by HEKO for decades.
• Very high surface hardening, min. 800HV or 64HRC
• High breaking load resulting from the fine grained, tough core
• High fatigue strength
• Excellent dimensional accuracy
• Clean surfaces

Induction Hardening
• Accurate partial wear protection
• High surface hardness up to 650HV/58HRC
• Very high hardening depth up to 6 mm
• High toughness of core structure
• High process accuracy
• Excellent reproducability of hardening values
• Optimal bespoke wear protection

Quenched and Tempered
• High tensile strength
• Even, tough structure
• High fatigue strength
• Highest breaking loads

Chains and chain wheels for central chain and twin strand bucket elevators
HEKO’s chains for central chain and twin strand bucket elevators are available within a wide range of dimensions and assemblies.

Click here to download brochures

eller Contact us if you would like help in chosing the correct product.

(+45) 8020 8020
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